Semester - 2


Unit – I 

Unit – II 

  • Elementary knowledge of the following terms (not more than 100 words) :

o   Matra (मात्रा), Avartan (आवर्तन), Sam (सम), Tali (ताली), Khali (खाली ) and Vibhag (विभाग)

  • Definitions - 

o   Study of various bols of Mizrab

o   Tora

o   Jhala

Unit – III 

1.      Pt. Ravi Shanker

2.      Pt. V.N. Bhatkhande

Unit – IV 

·         Definition and description of the prescribed Ragas and Tala :- Yaman , Kafi

o   One Maseetkhani Gat in any prescribed raga and talas :-Yaman , Kafi

o   To write the notation of Razakhani Gat of rag Kafi and Yaman with atleast four todas

o   Write in notation Jhaptala, Keharva Tala with dugan layakaries.