Semester 4th


1.   Historical developments in North Indian Music during Medieval period.

2.   Brief knowledge of Murchhana system

3.   Classification of Indian Musical Instruments




1.   A Study of Shuddh, ChhayaLag and Sankiran Ragas

2.   Time theory of Indian Ragas

3.   Definitions and explanations of the musical terms (not more than 100 words)

Kampan, Meend, Ghaseet, Zamzama, Krintan




Brief life sketches of great masters of music and their contributions:

·        Ustad Vilayat Khan

·        Ustad Abdul Halim Zafar Khan

·        Smt. Annapurna Devi Ji




1.   Description and Notation of the prescribed Raga of syllabus :-

2.   To write one Maseetkhani Gat (in any prescribed raga of your course.

3.   To write the notation of Razakhani Gat of with Toras: Raga Madhuwanti, Hamir

4.   To write the notation of Tivra and Dhamar with dugun