Semester - 3


1. ग्राम का संक्षिप्त विवरण 

2. वादक के गुण और दोष 

3. Historical development of North Indian Music from 13th to 15th Century.


1. Gharana of Instrumental Music (definition and importance) 

2. Importance of Alap, and its various forms. 

3. Knowledge of Avirbhav - Tirobhav, Alaptav- Bahutav 


1. Brief life sketches of the great masters of Music and their contributions. 

(i) Ustad Inayat Khan 

(ii) Ustad Allaudin Khan 

(iii) Pt. Vishnu Digambar Paluskar 


Description and Notation of the prescribed Ragas of Syllabus: - 

1. To write one Razakhani/Drut Gat (in any prescribed raga of your course with Toras) 

2. Description and notation of Raga:- Bihag, Bhimplasi with todas. 

3. Notation of Ektal, Teevra and Rupak tala with dugun layakaries 

4. Non detailed Ragas: Maru-Bihag, Patdeep